Publications and Presentations

This page includes publications and presentations that Love146 funded, authored, co-authored or contributed expertise for, as well as evaluations of our work.

Publications & evaluations Featuring Love146

Youth Attitudes Toward Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Help-Seeking: An Analysis of Data Collected by the Not a Number Trafficking Prevention Program
Lisa M. Jones, Jennifer E. O’Brien, Deirdre Colburn, Kate McKinney, Lauren Martin
Journal of Research in Human Development ( RHD)

“Flexibility and Consistency”: Qualitative Insights on Valuable Skills for Providers Working with Survivors of Child Sex Trafficking
Jennifer E. O’Brien, Lisa M. Jones, & Kimberly J. Mitchell
Journal of Evidence Based Social Work

Human Anti-trafficking Response
Team (HART) in Connecticut

ICF Incorporated & Connecticut Department of Children and Families

Not A Number: Child Trafficking and Exploitation Prevention Program Pre-Post Course Evaluation Findings
Lisa M. Jones & Stephanie Sessarego
Crimes Against Children Research Center, University of New Hampshire



Systemic and structural roots of child sex trafficking: The role of gender, race, and sexual orientation in disproportionate victimization.
Erin Williamson & Aria Flood
M. Chisolm-Straker & K. Chon (Eds.), The historical roots of human trafficking: Informing primary prevention of commercialized violence. New York, NY: Springer.

Featured counter-trafficking program: Love146.
Erin Williamson & Laurie Dunford
Child Abuse & Neglect, 100, 104131


Human Trafficking: How one district implemented the Not a Number prevention curriculum among high school students experiencing homelessness
Melissa Winship, School Counselor
Erin Glaccum, Prevention Ops. Mgr.
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth Conference

Can Trauma-Informed Care Apply to Marketing? Lessons Learned in Making Communications Engaging, Ethical, and Dignifying 
Marilyn Murray
The Non-Profit Marketing Summit

Human Trafficking Online and Offline Trends: How They Affect Our Youth Population and How We Can Prevent It
Aria Flood
U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Understanding differences in service access and outcomes for trafficking victims: Data from the Love146 Survivor Care program
Erin Williamson & Tamarra Clark
International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference

Youth Leadership and It’s Imperative Role in Prevention Education
Aria Flood & Sarah Mouser
JuST Conference

Human Trafficking Leadership Academy Class 6 recommendations: How can communities assess and respond to risk factors among migratory families in order to reduce vulnerabilities and prevent labor trafficking?
Erin Williamson & Tamarra Clark
JuST Conference

Addressing human trafficking: An expanded look at online safety
Erin Williamson
U.S. Department of Education

Human Trafficking: Online Safety
Erin Williamson
U.S. Department of Education

Preventing Online Child Sexual Exploitation
Erin Williamson
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Preventing Online Child Sexual Exploitation
Erin Williamson
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Systems Response to Human Trafficking: A Multi-Level Education Approach
Aria Flood
Crimes Against Children Conference

Child Trafficking and Exploitation A Prevention Perspective
Kimberly Casey & Aria Flood
Crimes Against Children Conference

Utilizing MDTs to effectively address cases of domestic minor sex trafficking
Erin Williamson
Crimes Against Children Conference