Children are being trafficked.


Only in recent history have humans agreed that women should vote; that one water fountain is enough; and that we shouldn’t smoke on planes or throw garbage out our car windows. When people took action, and mindsets shifted, we leveled up. We need to do the same thing when it comes to ending child trafficking. Collectively, we need to mature in our mindsets, and we need to take action until our world agrees that this needs to change. 

What are some common vulnerabilities? Who are traffickers? Knowledge is power!

Whether it’s ‎$5 or $500, give what you can. Being there for children really matters.

Traffickers often recruit and sell online. Parents & youth need to know how to be safe.

Stand with us for a world where children are safe and free. Pray and involve your congregation.

Start a workout, join a century ride, or host a 5K – all while funding our work!

On this page, you’ll find a poster of risk and protective factors of child trafficking. Put them on local community boards & telephone poles.

Access our calendar or get inspired to host your own event to raise awareness and possibly funds, too.

Want a member of our team on your literal or virtual stage? Let us know!

Online shopping or planning for holiday and birthday presents can benefit us too!

Stay in the loop

Expect a few emails a month – inspiring and informative updates that won't clog your inbox.


Web Series

It can get confusing as you look through various articles, blogs, and online discussions. That’s why we put together a free web series to make sure that you’ve got accurate info to do your part protecting kids. Love146 has almost two decades of experience; we’ve journeyed with hundreds of child trafficking survivors and we’ve reached thousands of kids through our trafficking prevention curriculum.

session 1:

child trafficking myths
and facts

  • Clarify common misconceptions about child trafficking.
  • Define human trafficking.
  • Give insight on the most vulnerable populations.

session 2:

recognizing red flags and helping youth find a safe adult

  • Shed light on how traffickers can hide in plain sight.
  • Identify red flags and tactics traffickers use to groom and recruit children.
  • Discuss steps adults and caregivers can take to address the issue.

session 3:

How to Have Simple Conversations That Make a Difference

Talking about child trafficking can be intimidating. Maybe you don’t feel you have the right words, information, or perspective to respond. Join this roundtable discussion with our Prevention Education team for tips about how to have effective conversations that can make a change.

session 4:

Raising Children Alongside Technology

The Internet is part of life, but it can also create a lot of vulnerability for children today. Many of the children in our care at Love146 first met their traffickers on social media. Maybe you have questions about how to ensure you’re child is safe online. Get perspective from two parents working in child health, and anti-trafficking.

An gathering of hope, inspiration, and generosity
to end child trafficking.

Why do you care?


Within the greater movement, we’ve witnessed how powerful it is for small groups of people to come together to learn, brainstorm, and raise awareness in their neighborhoods. Love146 Volunteer Teams are local groups of people passionate about seeing child trafficking end.


   Student Group
✦   Faith-Based Group

Kingston, Ontario –  Queens University

Toronto, Ontario –  University of Toronto
Led by Sandy Lee,

Ealing – West London

St Albans – Home Church

Dundee, Scotland – Dundee & Angus College

San Diego – ✦ San Diego Volunteer Team
Led by Esther Lee,

Lakewood – ✦ Colorado West Side Volunteer Team
Led by Coree Peterson,

Wethersfield – ✦ ACT NOW: A team to stop child trafficking in CT 

Reno/Sparks – Love146 Northern Nevada Reno/Sparks Volunteer Team
Led by Janet Lombardo,

Laconia – ✦ Lakes Region New Hampshire
Led by Katrina Keefe,

Alfred —  Alfred State College
Led by ShirleeJae Illsley,

Long Island – ✦ Echo Love146 Volunteer Team
Led by Pier Ludovico,

Pearland – ✦ Crosspoint Church

DC Metro Area – DC Metro Area Volunteer Team
Led by Andy Ferraro,

Equip those at hotels & truck stops to spot and report child trafficking

How do we end child trafficking and exploitation in our cities? We empower our communities to know what it looks like and what to do about it. By equipping those who may cross paths with victims of trafficking (hotels, motels, and truck stops), we create opportunities for intervention and prevention. If you’re an established Volunteer Team, shoot an email to and we’ll give you all the supplies, including a list of locations already visited in your area.

Locations Reached By Volunteers




Two ways your community can engage:


We invite communities and groups to support the work of Love146 financially on a monthly or annual basis. Groups that are interested in becoming a Funding Partner of Love146 can contact us at for more information.


Consider inviting a speaker from Love146 to share our work with your community. Invite your neighbors to come and hear. A Love146 speaker is the best first step in getting your community engaged with Love146. Would a speaker be a good fit for your group? Fill out this request and we'll circle back to discuss further.