US Prevention Education

We reach thousands of youth with education that equips them to recognize vulnerabilities and protect themselves from exploitation.

One of the most hopeful things we do at Love146 is work to prevent trafficking and exploitation.

We spent years developing and piloting Not a Number, our interactive prevention curriculum.

Our US Prevention Education is centered around Not a Number, an interactive five-lesson human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation prevention curriculum. It guides youth to explore their own vulnerabilities, showing them how a trafficker might use those vulnerabilities to take advantage of them, and how they can get help and navigate to safety. Much of what makes Not a Number distinctive comes directly from our work with survivors. Survivors are our best resource for being aware of emerging trends, such as how apps and other technology are being used to exploit children. By listening to survivors, we have worked to ensure that our curriculum accurately represents real-world risk factors and considers all genders as potential victims. Designed for multiple settings including schools, juvenile justice agencies, residential facilities, and other community settings, Not a Number includes stories and activities for co-ed, female, male, and/or LGBTQ+ groups.

Not a Number is based in strong program theory and research on best practices in similar violence prevention education curricula. We have also developed an app to track outcomes. With this data, and real-time input from our social workers, we are able to keep the prevention training up to date, and keep Not a Number fresh and relevant for youth.

not a number: a spoken word poem

This poem, from acclaimed artist and Love146 board member Alysia Harris, is used in our prevention curriculum.

How can you prevent child trafficking?

Three practical steps for parents and caregivers.

A child trafficking and exploitation prevention curriculum from Love146.

How Listening Fuels Prevention

Just like no two children are the same, we have learned over the years that no single narrative describes how children are trafficked or exploited. This simple fact explains why creating an effective prevention program demanded deep thinking, collaboration with the top experts in the field, research on best-practices in effective prevention, and input from survivors. 

True prevention, we concluded, needs to go beyond awareness to the hard work of teaching vulnerable and at-risk youth real-life skill building.