Your support is helping to rebuild safety, confidence, and trust for a child after trafficking –

One Step At A Time

For over 7 years (and in all seasons!) Love146’s US Survivor Care team has been bringing youth in our care to Wilderness School, a positive youth development program for adolescents who have family or behavioral difficulties. Courses are used to promote social skills, enhance self-concept and competence, and foster group cohesion.

Many of us enjoy adrenaline, especially adolescents. A thrill can be found in safe and unsafe ways. We help survivors find healthy ways to experience exciting adventures – including times at Wilderness School, as well as activities like snow-tubing, ropes courses, snow-shoeing, zip lining, and amusement parks.

Over the years, our youth in the Philippines Survivor Care have had similar experiences of challenge and connection with one another in nature, getting away for retreats at beaches, mountains, and national parks.

fuel courage.

Kids at Love146 are digging deep into courage to overcome trafficking. Your donations fuel their strength and help build a future free from exploitation.

Hear Stories from Young People in our Survivor Care:



when you give, your donation will...

Provide a child recovering from trafficking with holistic care, journeying alongside them for as long as it takes.

Break cycles and protect the next generation by resourcing parents and caregivers, including survivors who are becoming parents.

Help a victim to seek justice against their traffickers.

Respond to a child who may be in danger by going to meet with them, listen to them, give them resources, and help them understand if they've been victimized.

Meet a young person’s practical needs of food, healthcare, and education as they heal.

Support a survivor to access and succeed in higher education and employment.

Prevent trafficking by helping a child understand vulnerability, spot the signs of trafficking, identify healthy support systems, and learn skills they need to stay safe.

Equip a professional with an up-to-date and research-based child trafficking prevention curriculum, bringing it to youth in schools, juvenile justice and child welfare agencies, and other community settings.


Transparency is of the highest priority to Love146. You can access more than a decade of independent audits, tax filings, and annual reports here.

Organizational Expenses

Programs 70.7%
Mgmt & General 16.5%
Fundraising 12.8%

Programmatic Spending

Survivor Care 68.1%
Prevention Education 22.5%
Community Engagement & General 9.4%

Funding Sources

Public Funding, Trainings & Fees 43.4%
Individual Contributions 38.6%
Organizational Donors 18%

Data as of June 30th, 2022

Stay in the Loop

Expect a few emails a month – inspiring and informative updates that don’t clog your inbox.

Your donation prevents child trafficking and cares for survivors.

An urgent message from our Director of Development, Ramona MacIntyre:


Why 146? The story of how we got our name...

4 approaches to ending trafficking

The stories 8 children in our survivor care


Data as of June 30th, 2022

For over 20 years, Love146 has been a credible force preventing child trafficking and providing holistic support to survivors.


81050 +

children reached by Prevention Education and Survivor Care efforts worldwide.



US states have trained facilitators of Love146's Prevention Education curriculum, Not a Number.



independent rigorous evaluations are currently underway, 2 of which are supported by the CDC & DOJ.


of child trafficking.

The phrase “human trafficking” was introduced decades ago with relatively few people tracking the issue. But today, many of us know about this horrific crime. The number of reports about children being trafficked is skyrocketing. It can seem like the issue is getting worse as new stories are unearthed. But the more deeply we understand the issue of child trafficking, the closer we are to ending it.

“It always seems impossible until it's done.”

We need to stop trafficking before it happens.

is Love146's child trafficking and exploitation prevention curriculum.


This curriculum is...

  • Facilitating skill-building to reduce risks for labor and sex trafficking, addressing topics including online safety, worker rights, healthy relationships, and more
  • Designed for professionals to reach 12-18-year-olds of all genders
  • Equally effective in schools as a primary prevention tool, as well as youth at higher risk with system involvement for secondary prevention
  • Grounded in best practices in the field of prevention education, developed in partnership with lived-experience experts, and currently undergoing rigorous evaluations
  • Provides ongoing Training and Technical Assistance provided by a team of public health and education professionals, supporting with strategies on how to implement in your unique communities and systems

YOU matter for children.

The story Behind this Photo...

When we first met Emilia*, she was waving and calling to us from inside the fence of the government shelter, “Take me to the Round Home now, please, now!” Over and over again. All we could promise her was, “we’ll come back for you.” Emilia had heard of Love146, and was asking to come to our safe home. When paperwork was processed, she joined us. She came into our care in the Philippines at age 13, after being trafficked for sex.

Emilia has a huge personality. She’s driven, high energy, and is a local special olympics medal winner.

This photo was taken on a vacation away from the home, to Taal Volcano. Earlier on the day this photo was taken, Emilia (along with her friends) rode horseback up the volcano you see in the background of this photo.

*named changed for protection & privacy