Did you know you can support Love146 while shopping for everyday purchases, or even while shopping for gifts? The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from all of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases back to us.
Does Amazon Smile really amount to anything?
Yes. Yes. Yes. For Love146, AmazonSmile has generated more than $40,000 to help support children impacted by trafficking. We get deposits quarterly from AmazonSmile Foundation and it’s really helpful for our work!
How do i turn Amazon Smile on in my web browser?
- Visit https://smile.amazon.com/ch/20-1168284
- Sign in with the same account you use for Amazon.com
- Select your charity
- Start shopping! Remember to check out at smile.amazon.com to generate donations for your chosen charity.
Tip: Add a bookmark to make it easier to shop at smile.amazon.com.
How do I use Amazon Smile using the Amazon app on my mobile phone?
- Open the Amazon Shopping app
- Navigate to the main menu (=)
- Tap on Settings and then select “AmazonSmile”
- Select your charity and then follow the on-screen instructions to turn ON AmazonSmile in the mobile app
- Once AmazonSmile has been activated in your app, future eligible app purchases will generate a donation for the charity you have selected.
Anything else I have to do?
Yes, actually. This part is really important: AmazonSmile has to be “renewed” on your mobile app, meaning AmazonSmile will turn off on your mobile app automatically every 6 months. This is only the case for your mobile app, not your browser. Consider setting a calendar reminder on your phone right now to check it in 6 months.
How do I check the renewal status of Amazon Smile on my mobile app?
AmazonSmile renewal happens twice a year – but you have to do it yourself. Here’s how to check your current AmazonSmile status or know when the next renewal period will be:
- Open the Amazon Shopping app on your phone
- Choose ‘Settings’ in the main menu (☰)
- Choose ‘AmazonSmile’ to see if it’s turned on
AmazonSmile will notify you of these renewals via push notifications and in-app notifications. If you miss a renewal, you can reactivate at any time by repeating the steps to “turn on” AmazonSmile on your mobile device.
Can I use it on any mobile device?
AmazonSmile is currently only available to AmazonSmile customers using the Amazon Shopping app on Android phones with OS version 5.0+, iPhones with OS version 12.0+, or the web browser on any device.
Does it work on my tablet yet?
The tablet app is not yet supported. But you can use smile.amazon.com via your browser on a tablet and still make purchases that benefit. Please visit smile.amazon.com/onthego to learn more.
Can I see how much has been raised for Love146? Raised by me?
Yep! Here’s how:
- Open the Amazon Shopping app on your phone
- Choose ‘Settings’ in the main menu (☰)
Choose Amazon Smile, and simply scroll down. If you’ve generated any donations for Love146, you’ll be able to see how much and below that, how much Love146 has received from everyone. You may have only contributed a little, but know that every cent does really add up!
What does my donation to Love146 do?
- Provides holistic care to children recovering from trafficking, journeying alongside them for as long as it takes.
- Meets a child’s practical needs of food, healthcare, and education as they heal.
- Supports survivors to find and succeed in higher education and employment.
- Helps survivors to seek justice against their traffickers.
- Prevents trafficking by helping youth understand vulnerability, spot the signs of trafficking, identify healthy support systems, and learn skills they need to stay safe.
- Responds to children who may be in danger by going to meet with them, listen, give resources, and help them realize if they’ve been victimized.
- Equips professionals who serve children with a curriculum to prevent child trafficking, bringing it to youth in schools, juvenile justice and child welfare agencies, and other community settings.