When so many organisations are asking for money and seeking to make change on your behalf, we recognise that long term change only happens when you, the giver, also become an active participant in that change. But what does change look like? What could significant change look like here in our nations with our own child trafficking issues?
Youth Advocates in Romania
Love146 worked with partners in Romania last month to train the country’s first group of young activists as advocates against human trafficking.
What does “Prevention” do?
It is a harsh reality of counter trafficking that prevention work is underfunded globally.
Update from Ukraine
A few of us are in Ukraine right now to meet various partners to develop a prevention strategy for at risk youth and to explore the role our Escape magazine can play in this.
Trek Update: Nigerian girls in Athens
We are on our own in Athens until we leave for Rome on Monday so we got to explore the back streets ast night. We are not naive and are used to being around unsafe places, but this was pretty intense.
Trek Update: Greece
I am pleased to say that after our five a.m panic attack to get going today, we left Bucharest for Bulgaria and 6.5 hrs and a hammered set of shock absorbers later – we crossed into Greece close to the Turkish border. Finally after 11 hrs we arrived with the project in Thessaloniki (you may have heard of it).
Trek Update: Safe Home Visit – Romania
Today we traveled from the top of Romania to the South, the capital Bucharest, ahead of our Bulgaria road race to get to Thessoliniki in Greece on schedule.
Trek Update: Romania
Still in Turda, Romania for one more day and one more night, before heading on to Bucurest early tomorrow. Visiting Cluj today, the biggest city in the region.
Trek Update: Prague
Staying with a lovely family tonight in Prague. They've been working on the streets with people for 18 years – real people.
TREK UPDATE: Video Blog from Czech Republic
Two members of the Love146 European Prevention team were approached by a local pimp selling girls in a sex club and brothel. One pimp soon became fifteen, all wanting business. What follows is a 2 minute audio only clip of this experience.
TREK UPDATE: Video Blog from the Red Light Districts
99% of European trafficking victims are not rescued.