Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison on 5 charges related to minor sex trafficking.
Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for being found guilty on five of six counts related to her partnership with Jeffrey Epstein in abusing and trafficking minors for sex. Prosecutors argued that Maxwell conspired from 1994 to 2004 to lure girls into trafficking and exploitation.
Did you know your donations can mean more for your taxes than they used to?
For tax year 2021, according to The CARES Act extension,…
Amazon shoppers have generated tens of thousands of dollars to end child trafficking. You can help.
Did you know you can support Love146 while shopping for everyday purchases, or even while buying for gifts? For Love146, Amazon shoppers using Smile have generated more than $40,000 to help support children impacted by trafficking.
Trauma Informed Marketing
by Marilyn Murray Language is about communicating – and many…
Why Pride Matters for Ending Child Trafficking
For the vast majority of LGBTQ+ youth, the systems setup to protect and build resilience – family, laws, religion, peers groups… — can be stigmatizing and ostracizing, making children feel shame rather than pride. Because of these responses from family, community, and society, LGBTQ+ youth end up disproportionately harmed by issues like homelessness, suicide, and human trafficking.
How System Change Will Help End Child Sex Trafficking
Many assume that ending child trafficking just requires us —…
Epstein & R. Kelly: Justice for Survivors
What’s the world coming too??? The truth is it’s coming to a place where we see things that have always been wrong… where we are sick of it… where we demand justice… where we stand with victims… where we say NOT ANYMORE.
Will Robert Kraft’s arrest send a powerful message? We’ll see.
Earlier this year, police say New England Patriots Owner Robert Kraft was filmed receiving sexual services at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter, Florida. I think a year from now, Kraft will be filmed sitting in his box seats at the Superbowl, as though nothing happened. I have a hunch that next year, my family will be watching the NFL championships again – and just like this year, Kraft will be up there in the box clapping. He’ll probably pay criminal fines that amount to what he might pay for a few nice bottles of wine; another expense in a luxury budget.
February 2019 Updates
A few months ago, I used a sick day for…
I’m so pissed off: How our web analytics further reveal the problem of sexual exploitation
We were thrilled when we noticed a spike in the number of people who viewed one of our videos. Until we looked deeper and discovered how the video had been hijacked as clickbait to attract precisely the audience we fight against — which only makes the problem worse.
8 Ways to Care For Yourself – Perspective from People Working To End Child Trafficking
Hike, Talk, Laugh, Cry… However you make time to take care of yourself, it’s important that you do! Life is intense – here’s how we take care of ourselves at Love146.
These girls.
These girls are fighting daily for everything they deserve, despite what they’ve been dealt. When we sell them short, we hold back all of humanity.