“You have taught me to be responsible. You have taught me to be a leader.”
–Jinny, one of the girls in the Love146 Round Home
Love146 is committed to walking with children towards restoration for as long as it takes to get there. It’s not enough to mend wounds, or make sure children have more good days than bad…
We want to see the fullest of recoveries in the lives of the children at our Round Home in the Philippines.
Love146 Director of Asia Aftercare Dr. Gundelina Velazco told us stories of how children are walking confidently towards that recovery — stepping up in their daily lives, not just as positive examples, but as leaders of what’s right.
Jinny has started leading group discussions in the home, facilitating conversations about self-worth:
“I feel blessed. You have taught me to be responsible and be a leader to other girls at the Round Home. You have taught me to assume the responsibilities of a leader.”
Claudia is resolving conflicts between fellow children, standing up for non-violence and mutual understanding:
“My two classmates had a fight one time. They hit each other. I told them that what they did is not right. I told them that they should have talked and they should understand each other.”
And Emilia is being recognized at school as hard-working and full of care for her classmates.
“I am really happy because my teacher has appointed me class president. I never thought I could prove that I am good. Now, I care about other people.”
Consider giving monthly and help children in our Round Home learn what it means to be a leader — today, tomorrow and always.
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