
Basic Facts about Human Trafficking

We work to end child trafficking, and here are 5 Disney Princesses we’d be kinda worried about.

April 23, 2024
Our team recently had a quick but entertaining conversation about how we might work with different Disney Princesses! So, here are 5 Disney Princesses...

What do you mean you don’t rescue?

July 14, 2023
In the fight against child exploitation, there is often a… Read more

It’s Human Trafficking Prevention Month. But… what is prevention, anyhow?

January 5, 2023
According to the US Presidential proclamation, it's human trafficking month. but... What is prevention, anyhow?

What is “grooming?” And how is the term being misused?

August 8, 2022
At Love146, when we say “grooming” we’re talking about the process predators use to lure a child into relationship, gain trust with them, and...

12 Facts about Child Sex Trafficking

July 19, 2022
1. About 4 million children are being trafficked right now.… Read more

What You Need To Know About Child Sex Trafficking

July 18, 2022
When most people imagine child trafficking, they imagine a seedy… Read more

Reality vs. Hype: Is the Super Bowl a major trafficking event?

February 5, 2022
Do many fans come to the Super Bowl with a pocket full of cash to buy exploited people? And do traffickers amp up their...

Child Trafficking Facts

December 22, 2021
It's important to understand the difference between child trafficking fact versus myth. Here are ten facts about child trafficking: