
Human Trafficking: Resources for Youth

This Labor Day, knowing your rights is still important.

August 31, 2022
Labor Day was created by the labor movement in the… Read more

When Should You Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline?

May 26, 2022
The National Human Trafficking Hotline (1-888-3737-888) gives free, confidential, one-on-one support. 

Boundaries: What’s going to be your line?

January 25, 2022
Setting boundaries is a skill - and it takes practice! Learning how to set boundaries is important for a lot of things in life....

How to spot the red flags if you’re at risk of trafficking and exploitation.

January 13, 2022
What's a red flag: The term “red flag” means you see something that’s a reason to stop and consider your safety. There are red...

What Are Signs of Human Trafficking for Children?

September 8, 2021
It’s important to know what a trafficking situation could look like - it takes a communal effort to end the exploitation of minors. Here...