Support children affected by trafficking in honor of someone you care about.

How It Works

Choose a gift

Give in honor of someone you care about. Perhaps pick something that reminds you of them.

Contribute any amount

Whether it's $5 or $500, you can contribute any amount towards the program you choose.

If you like, include an e-card or print a card

Provide the recipient's contact information and add a personal note. Or, skip the e-card and use the links to high-res printable cards, available after you donate.

Send your gift

When your donation is completed, the gift will be on its way to make an impact.

How Is My Donation Used?

All items in the gift catalog are actual goods and services provided by Love146 to benefit the children we serve. Each item here is representative of what is delivered in the program designation in which it appears, and contributions to that gift will be used to provide assistance within that specific program. We desire to be good stewards of your gift, and when we receive more contributions than our needs for any specific program category, surplus funds will be directed to the most urgent needs in Love146’s work to end child trafficking. We deeply appreciate any gift amount given.


Do you want something from this catalog instead of a conventional present? Tell people:

No identifiable children pictured in this catalog are known to be exploited.

Whatever you sacrifice to give this gift, we can promise you: it’s worth it.

How Is My Donation Used?

All items in the gift catalog are actual goods and services provided by Love146 to benefit the children we serve. Each item here is representative of what is delivered in the program designation in which it appears, and contributions to that gift will be used to provide assistance within that specific program. We desire to be good stewards of your gift, and when we receive more contributions than our needs for any specific program category, surplus funds will be directed to the most urgent needs in Love146’s work to end child trafficking. We deeply appreciate any gift amount given.

Safe homes and care

for children recovering from trafficking in the Philippines

In honor of someone you care about, contribute towards providing a survivor with...

A therapeutic connection with nature and animals

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Nature can have a hugely healing impact. Our safe home has a garden, a farm, and even sting-less bee keeping. Connecting with plants and animals, children can experience healing and they can also learn to be nurtured and to grow.

music programs

and other extracurricular activities.

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Love146 helps survivors cultivate creativity as a therapeutic tool to work through trauma, relieve stress, and feel grounded. Our safe home is full of musical instruments. Children can feel proud of their skills and learn to collaborate as a band. Survivors in our care have even written some original songs… complete with really cute music videos!

access to a clinic & healthcare

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Trafficking dramatically impacts children’s short and long-term health. Youth come with injuries, infections, and mental health struggles. We have on-site professionals, nurses and nutritional support, who understand the impact of trafficking on health and the complex needs of children in our care.

Support as they testify in court and seek justice

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After a child comes into our care, some will have to participate in the criminal justice process to hold their abusers accountable. This process can be triggering and retraumatizing. Support is critical to help buffer any potential harm. We’re journeying alongside brave children as they do things like give depositions and testify in court.

holistic support

for children recovering from trafficking in the United States

In honor of someone you care about, contribute towards providing a survivor with...

outdoor adventures and other recreational activities

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Many of us enjoy adrenaline, especially adolescents. A thrill can be found in safe and unsafe ways. We help survivors find healthy ways to experience exciting adventures like snow-tubing, ziplining, and amusement parks.

comforting and culturally specific supplies for hair care, skincare, and self-care

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Every kid deserves to have their basic needs met, but that doesn’t look the same for everyone. We meet survivors in a multitude of settings, including hospitals, new foster placements, and detention centers. Generic or institutionally issued supplies often don’t consider diverse hair and skin types. Your donation means supplies are meeting a child’s specific needs, and that they can feel seen.

art and pottery lessons

and other personal growth activities.

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Following trauma, some kids are comfortable talking. But some kids aren’t. It’s important to support children expressing themselves through a multitude of mediums. More options for healthy expression helps youth find the best way for them to heal.

relentless advocacy for any relevant special needs services

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Survivors come into our care presenting a range of needs; some that happened before their victimization and some resulting from it. They’re all important for recovery. If a child in our survivor care has (or needs) an IEP or 504 plan, Love146 can advocate for that to be supported.

a rapid response

for suspected victims of trafficking in the United States

In honor of someone you care about, contribute towards providing a child at high risk of trafficking with...

practice calling hotlines for help and identifying safe adults

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You can’t just tell a child how to be safe — you need to practice, and make it practical. In our rapid response conversations, we do just that.

a personalized conversation about internet safety

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Many children don’t understand how traffickers groom and recruit, and many victims don’t understand that it’s not their fault. We listen, converse, and we give children language to better understand what they’ve experienced.

A backpack with a teddy bear and a toothbrush, and much more

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We meet tangible and emotional needs with a backpack filled with a range of other items that are informed by survivors, and identified as being critical for this population. So many youth need basic resources, like toiletries and chapstick. And to know they’re cared for, with items like a cozy blanket and activity books.

a social worker who can help if they’ve been victimized

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Sometimes in our Rapid Response conversations, youth tell us about their victimization. It’s important that they’re taken seriously, responded to appropriately, and followed up with the support and referrals they need.

employment and education

for survivors in the united states​

In honor of someone you care about, contribute towards providing a survivor with...

Dreaming and career discernment

and an advocate who believes in them.

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Many times, youth are financially dependent on their traffickers. Helping youth find a vocation that pays their bills and brings them joy reduces their risk of exploitation.

Help navigating college or vocational training

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Applications, registration, transcripts, degree audits, legal documents – these things can be overwhelming for any student – let alone those who are working through trauma. We help youth navigate the systems and hurdles so it doesn’t keep them from getting where they want to go.

Resume and interview preparation

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A survivor of trafficking deserves trauma-informed support for this. Not someone who’s going to ask “So how have you earned money in the past? What are your skill sets?” Beyond this starting place, the skills built in developing their resume and interviewing give building blocks for lifelong successful career growth.

Celebrations of graduation and other milestones

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Anyone deserves these milestones celebrated, but especially youth in our care. Your gift allows Love146 social workers to show up with a gift, a hug, a meal at a nice restaurant, an exciting outing, and happy tears as youth achieve and surpass milestones.

trafficking prevention education

for youth in the united states

In honor of someone you care about, contribute towards bringing...

Skill-building so that youth know what to do if a trafficker approaches them

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Research shows knowledge alone isn’t effective. Our programs give youth the skills to know what to do. Throughout the curriculum, we practice in various scenarios and act it out so they’ll have muscle memory in those critical situations

Prevention education to youth in classrooms

or after-school programs, and even in juvenile detention.

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Kids congregate in a lot of settings. Being able to reach them wherever they are is critical, so we have made a trafficking prevention curriculum that can go into many situations.  

funding overhead costs

for love146's operations and integrity

In honor of someone you care about, contribute towards...

Love146’s audit and annual policy reviews

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Nonprofits need integrity! And it’s not free. Love146 annually contracts an independent financial auditor, adheres and complies with government compliance and conducts annual policy compliance reviews.

trauma-informed marketing and fundraising

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The experts tell us we need to show you the worst moments of a child’s life, and that we need to make you the hero of their story. It’s a hell no, every time. Invest in communications that will always aim to treat a child impacted by trafficking as #1 stakeholder.

data security tools and resources

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Protecting the youth in our care is our priority, and that includes keeping their private information safe and secure. For Love146, investing in tech means keeping our client and donor data safe and providing the tools and training to our staff to ensure no interruptions to our mission.