Every Wednesday over lunch, Love146 staff in our U.S. office meet to discuss what’s happening in the organization and the movement to end child trafficking. Yesterday, as usual, the 15 of us squeezed in with our sandwiches around a table that should comfortably seat six. Then something unusual happened: Love146’s co-founders, Rob, Lamont, and Desirea, began sharing about “the early days.”
I know about the vast work of Love146 today; that we presently have programs ongoing in 13 countries from Moldova to Myanmar; they are the subject of most staff meetings. But yesterday we took a walk down memory lane. I learned that six years ago, Love146 funded the building of ten wells along the border of Thailand and Cambodia that would prevent children from being trafficked on their journey for water. I learned that eight years ago, Love146 provided tons of musical instruments for a safehome (Rob and Desirea laughed about that day they’d cleared out two whole music stores in Northern Thailand). And then, four years ago, Love146 funded the construction of three homes for survivors transitioning out of the care of that same safehome in Thailand. There’s been a safehome built just for girls under 12 in Thailand, a therapy room floating on a river at a safehome in Cambodia… the stories went on and on (see more here).
The amazing thing was hearing my coworkers then catch one another up on the continued impact of these “past” projects… they are not so past after all. Survivors are still reclaiming their lives in these transition homes we built. The healing rhythm of those drums and guitars can still be heard from that safehome in Northern Thailand. Because of those wells, Cambodian children are in school today instead of making long trips to fetch water that make them vulnerable to trafficking.
As someone who designs our giving forms, the phrase “one-time gift” came to mind… One-time? I was struck by how very inaccurate that is. I realized yesterday that the gifts you have given over the years are not so limited. The ripples continue… the momentum of Love that is generated is not something that can be so contained to one moment in time; to even the life of one child.
In the midst of a time when Love146 is feeling a more acute financial need, I’m humbled by the impact your donations have. And I’m so thankful for your continued donations, that are not “one-time gifts” but beginnings.