Three months ago, our safehomes in the Philippines were hit hard by Typhoon Glenda. One of the most damaged areas was our beloved farm. Our crops were destroyed and many animals died.
We asked for help, and you gave.
This week, our farm for the children re-opened.
Welcome to the Round Home, welcome to the Round Home Pink Farm and Thematic Garden, and on behalf of the children, welcome to the children’s hearts. For, indeed, this is the place where the children find joy daily as they mingle with the plants and animals that they have learned to love.
This is where they find fulfillment as they watch the plants that they nurture flourish and the animals that they look after grow and become healthy.
In the wake of typhoon Glenda last July, this whole place was devastated and most of the plants and animals died. But hope sprang eternal in these children’s hearts as they said that they believed this whole place would be restored and again there would be plants and animals that they could look after.
As they become believers and active participants in the restoration of those that have been destroyed, so do they psychologically complete their own restoration.
As they become part of the process of intervention in influencing the survival of lesser creatures, they feel empowered and they develop a sense of psychological liberation from their earlier victimhood. Thus, victims become liberators even within the confines of these four walls. Having been in the thick and thin of personal struggle in their earlier experiences, their commitment is authentic, for there remains a deeply rooted hunger for a more just, kind, and loving world.
So then this farm becomes part of our intervention and the plants and animals are our partners in bringing out the children’s humanity, hopefulness, and strength. Therefore I also welcome you to our hearts as workers in this mission of making this world a better place for children.
Dr. Gundelina Velazco
Love146 Director of Asia Survivor Care
Thank you for making this world a better place for plants, for animals, and especially for children.