In May, we followed up with Sharon who reintegrated with her family last summer. We seek to support each of the girls in their individual hopes and dreams for their lives. Sharon wished to be reunited with her family. Since then we have helped to provide her and her family with a livelihood. We provided them with a female pig that they can breed and sell the offspring. We also provided them with a tri-cab (a small cart that it attached to a bicycle used for transportation as well as transporting goods). They have been able to use the tri-cab to transport fruits and vegetable to sell at the market. Below is an excerpt from Dr. Velazco’s update:
“Some of the neighbors have pigs. They said pigs provide some income. So we started her off on one pig, a female that could provide them more pigs. A tricab would be a good livelihood tool. We found a secondhand one. Though old, it is made of good steel that would last a long time. It was also built to be sturdy. It was immediately put to good use. She seems very far now from the nightmare of a life she used to have. That is our aim. Two years ago, we said goodbye to her mother to bring her back to the safehome and there continue to look after her. Two days ago, we said goodbye to a reunited family that we believe we have equipped with better chances of a decent life.”
In June we reintegrated two girls, Kate and Robin. Kate has been reintegrated back with her family and her little daughter. We continue to pay for her school. Robin has reintegrated into her community and one day wishes to start a family of her own. We helped Robin to set up sources of livelihood, some chicks that will one day lay eggs and some produce to sell in the village.