Ending child trafficking and protecting a multitude of children will happen at a policy level. Here are some things CT HB 6657 addresses: Child sex trafficking often involves the exchange of drugs, food, shelter, and other items of value; many of the children served by Love146 were exploited for something other than money. This legislation changes the language from “fee” to “anything of value,” and helps ensure victims aren’t ignored or dismissed. Additionally, some traffickers use the children they victimize to groom, recruit, and exploit other children or engage in other criminal activity as part of their victimization. This legislation helps ensure survivors of child trafficking have legal options that acknowledge their victimization related to any charges they could face. This is the testimony of Erin Williamson from Love146 to the Connecticut House Judiciary Committee. After testimonies were given, CT HB 6657 was signed into CT State law.
*For privacy and protection, Love146 changes names and obscures details about our clients, and no identifiable images in our communications are of children known to be exploited.
Mail Donations To:
1800 Camden Road
Suite 107-273
Charlotte, NC 28203
Are you or someone you know in need of urgent help? Call the US National Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-3737-888
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