Sonya’s Story…
Sonya recently told us: “I am building my life, piece by piece. Despite everything that happened to me, I believe there’s a wonderful plan for my life. I am determined to unravel the future waiting for me.”
Responding to Disclosures: Do’s and Don’ts for Non-Professionals and Volunteers
Don’t ask for more details. Don’t feel you should reciprocate vulnerability. Do believe them.
My investigation into the source for a commonly shared trafficking statistic led to a horrifying conclusion: That the stat was just not true… and was the result of someone doing some really illogical math.
Anti-trafficking FAIL
In an attempt to get the world to pay attention to the dark realities of human trafficking, we might actually be hurting the people we’re trying to help.
Happy New Year!
At Love146, typical of many non-profits, we operate on a fiscal year instead of a January to December calendar year. Our “year” goes from July to June, and today is New Year’s Eve.
The Cost of Freedom
The Supreme Court decided this week to strike down a Los Angeles ordinance allowing police to inspect hotel guest records on demand and without a warrant. Here’s what this could mean for trafficked children.
To the Abused…
April is child abuse awareness month, but many of us live aware of abuse year-round. To the survivors of child abuse journeying with us: your healing is important to us. Your support in heart, in voice, and in gifts makes healing possible for others.
First World Problems
“I need to take a shower, but my hair looks…
Love146 has a vision that’s been accused of naivety and idealism: the abolition of child trafficking and exploitation. Nothing less.
To all the Love146 girls (and guys)…
A few weeks ago, I was able to visit some of our field projects in Asia. The trip culminated in a wedding that took place in the Love146 Round Home. The bride was a survivor of sex trafficking who moved forward from the home (was reintegrated) last year.