
How to Support Work Ending Human Trafficking

4 Approaches to Anti-Trafficking Work

July 19, 2024
Did you know that there are different approaches to addressing… Read more

Adulting | Reflections from Love146’s Director of Development

April 11, 2024
by Ramona MacIntyre | Director of Development April 2024 My… Read more

A Story In Survivor Care: You Can Stand Under My Umbrella

April 10, 2024
by An Anonymous Love146 Survivor Care Staff April 2024 This… Read more

We Asked Child Trafficking Prevention Experts 5 Questions

January 18, 2023
We sat down with human trafficking prevention experts and asked them five commonly asked questions around child exploitation.

15 anti-trafficking resources for youth, caregivers, and activists

January 4, 2023
January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and Love146 has many resources for youth, caregivers, and activists, like you. As you browse the links below,...

How this youth soccer club is helping end trafficking.

August 23, 2022
Recently, a youth soccer club in Houston decided that instead of featuring a sponsor, they would put the name “Love146” on the front of...

What Will It Take To Stop Trafficking For Good?

August 11, 2022
So how do we end trafficking and exploitation? We empower our communities to know what it looks like and what to do about it....

What Does Your Summer Donation Do?

June 23, 2022
This week is the end of Love146’s fiscal year – we’re so grateful for your support that makes this life-changing work possible. As we...

Why Summer Support is a Game-Changer

June 10, 2022
During the summer, your support is crucial to help Love146 continue to journey with survivors of child trafficking year round. The season can be...

From a Tread on Trafficking Advocate, Zoe

June 3, 2022
Tread on Trafficking has kicked off! But it’s not too… Read more

Don’t Let Politicians & Big Tech Manipulate Your Concern for Children

April 1, 2022
Child trafficking is real; it’s an incredibly heavy issue; and… Read more

5 Meaningful Gifts to Shape the Next Generation

December 1, 2021
Give a meaningful gift this holiday season. Our gift catalog… Read more