
Law Enforcement & Practitioners

4 Approaches to Anti-Trafficking Work

July 19, 2024
Did you know that there are different approaches to addressing… Read more

What do you mean you don’t rescue?

July 14, 2023
In the fight against child exploitation, there is often a… Read more

This Labor Day, knowing your rights is still important.

August 31, 2022
Labor Day was created by the labor movement in the… Read more

Child Safety in the Age of Apps

April 28, 2016
While law enforcement wrestles the tech industry over encryption and privacy rights, what's a parent to do?

Why Prosecution Matters for the Youth We Work With

April 11, 2016
While notable progress has been made in terms of buy-in, some agency leaders and personnel continue to not see human trafficking as a concern...

My Back Pages

April 4, 2016
An inside peek behind "adult" advertising

Welcome to Manchester Airport: Traffickers Not Welcome

January 21, 2016
Anti-trafficking training and awareness is starting to show results.