
A report towards better survivor care

Love146 and the University of Stirling in Scotland have recently published a report meant to help those in professional roles of survivor care.

Love146 and the Centre for Crime & Justice Research at the University of Stirling in Scotland have published a new review meant to aid survivor care professionals entitled A Report on Child Trafficking and Care Provision: Towards Better Survivor Care.

According to Love146, this review was created in response to the tremendous need to restore children subjected to trafficking in the UK and Europe. It examines the most effective models of care and support for children who arrive in the UK and are identified as trafficked.

“Back in 2011 we presented to the UK Parliament both our model of aftercare for exploited children and our Freedom of Information research findings,” said Steve Martin, CEO of Love146 U.S. “We gained information from local authorities to understand factual data and reporting relating to child trafficking here on our doorstep. The results unearthed the reality that many children rescued by the police are being re-trafficked from local authority care almost immediately. The publication of this new review strengthens our case for the creation of safehomes providing therapeutic services, education and a safe and loving environment for restoration. But it also clearly shows we need research running alongside any new safehome to help us understand what really works and what doesn’t.”

Love146 is a practitioner-based charity with ongoing research around the world. Given the report’s findings, Love146 said it is wanting to bring its model of Aftercare into the UK in partnership with others.

“There’s a key project we’re working on with the Centre for Social Justice — an in-depth policy review to identify how the UK is reacting to the number of slaves kept within its borders. One of the report’s aims is to develop an implementation strategy to enable the UK to be the benchmark for anti-slavery practice in Europe and the world.”

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