We recently received an update from our partner network in Sri Lanka demonstrating the vast amount of work that is being done to bring together individuals and organizations in Sri Lanka who are addressing trafficking. The Sri Lanka network is one member of the greater South Asia Network. Over the past three months the network has focused on capacity building and the sharing of ideas.
After several members of the network participated in the Sri Lanka CTPA, they met with a group of 27 teachers to share what they had learned. Most of these teachers work in communities that live below the poverty line, making the children particularly vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. They focused on the below topics:
Restoring victims of child sexual exploitation
The effects on children who have been exploited and trafficked
Assessing sexually exploited children
Mood assessment
Intervention strategies
This session was very well received and helped to build awareness about the challenges that exploited children face.
In addition to the teacher training, the Sri Lanka network hosted a network meeting on January 22, 2010. This meeting brought together various research partners from throughout Sri Lanka. The research agencies were all adapt at conducting research on social issues. Therefore, the meeting would focus on building awareness about the many issues surrounding the trafficking and exploitation of children. The subject created much enthusiasm for future research.