Tag Archives: Facebook

1. Add the hotline to your contacts Make sure the…

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Addressing race and human trafficking, prevention work in California and Africa, our Facebook petition, and other news and insights from the field.

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It happens to boys, too. Fight for a world where anyone, regardless of gender, can ask for help without stigma … and other news and insights from the field.

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Facebook has a long history of taking a vocal and ardent stance against child sexual exploitation, yet it continues to be one of the most popular platforms traffickers use to groom and recruit the youth we serve. Still, Facebook knows and encourages children to use its platform, and does nothing to further protect the privacy of the children who use it. But there is one tweak they can make that will actually help address the problem.

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Students are growing up in a world of social media. Gaming Platforms, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok — these are today’s gathering places. The space where youth engage in the normal adolescent behavior of exploring and testing their boundaries. As a preventative measure, we want to teach kids how to safely navigate the Internet, how to recognize when something may be getting out of control, and how to access help when needed.

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