
Tag Archives: love146

It’s important to understand the difference between child trafficking fact versus myth. Here are ten facts about child trafficking:

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It’s important to know what a trafficking situation could look like – it takes a communal effort to end the exploitation of minors. Here are some potential red flags, common situations, and vulnerabilities of child trafficking. 

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These days, everyone’s taking serious steps to stay safe from COVID-19. We’re stuck at home and spending a lot more time online. Just like in real life, there’s good stuff and bad stuff that can happen to you on the Internet. And just like with COVID-19, you can take steps to protect yourself.

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Supporting children during the pandemic; prevention training with refugee perspectives; our latest Impact Report, and more recent news from Love146.

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On this day 2 decades ago, human trafficking had yet to be defined as a crime by the United Nations & United States. Because of the momentum of this movement, that changed.

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We’re inspired by the legacy of former teacher and guidance counselor Ann Hardiman, who passed away last year. She wanted her life savings to go to helping people, and the Ann T. Hardiman Fund has generously provided a matching grant this holiday season to honor Ann’s legacy of caring for and inspiring children.

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Meet our new US executive director… What’s a “Not a Red Gala” anyway?… Our “My Body is Mine” flipchart debuts in Sierra Leone… Our Philippines Survivor Care team led a training for families about earthquake preparedness… Making recommendations to states through the National Advisory Committee on the Sex Trafficking of Youth in the United States… Our latest Impact Report… and our social media takeover by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Ian Urbina.

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It happens to boys, too. Fight for a world where anyone, regardless of gender, can ask for help without stigma … and other news and insights from the field.

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Minh was brought to the UK with promises of a…

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A member of the Love146 team in Africa reflects on presenting our “My Body is Mine” flip chart: “The children in Madagascar need to be reached because their parents aren’t talking about sexual abuse, or sexuality, with them. So kids aren’t aware of it. Even me, I was not. I didn’t know the meaning of the word “rape” until I was 15. It wasn’t until I was older when I understood what it was.

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A report from a Love146 social worker: Survivors of child trafficking live in lots of different settings, and I go where they go. One of my youth is living in a group home that only offers a certain generic shampoo, and as a black girl it leaves her curly hair dry and brittle. Imagine having a bad hair day – everyday – while you’re trying to do some really really hard emotional work, like recover from sexual assault and trafficking. Love146 makes sure needs are met so youth can focus on the huge task of reclaiming their lives. Sure, sometimes that has high price tags, but last week, just $8 got her some ethnically appropriate shampoo. And it was a big deal.

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“My father, now 89 years old with Alzheimer’s Disease, can’t recall my name. But my memories of him from my early years are more vivid today than ever— including what he taught me by example about being a father, and how I see a similar approach in how Love146 cares for children.”

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We were thrilled when we noticed a spike in the number of people who viewed one of our videos. Until we looked deeper and discovered how the video had been hijacked as clickbait to attract precisely the audience we fight against — which only makes the problem worse.

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A recent report from from the UK has everyone talking. On the surface, the news is disheartening. The number of British national children referred through the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) has gone up by an astonishing 66 percent since 2016. In fact, the new numbers don’t point to an actual surge, but a noticeable change in practice of frontline staff who have received better NRM training and are now able to identify these children.

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Resilience generally means the ability to bounce back or recover from trauma or difficulties. In the physical sense, resilience is the ability of a material to resume its shape, after being deformed. For the children in our care at the Love146 safe homes in the Philippines, resilience means more than that.

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What happens when you bring a group of eight wary young survivors in our long-term services to a Wilderness School for a day of trust-building outdoor activities? They soar.

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