Tread on Trafficking is a wellness challenge and fundraiser to help end child trafficking and exploitation. It’s simple: Anyone anywhere can sign up. Treaders ask sponsors to support them for the number of miles or hours they spend running, swimming, biking, or working out.

Challenge yourself, connect to others, help protect children.

Already signed up? Get some resources to help you succeed in Tread on Trafficking!

Right now, it's estimated that about 4 million children are being trafficked. you can put your foot down to end child trafficking.

Here's how it works:

  • Choose a fitness activity

    and set a goal you feel you can reach. Consider biking, running, swimming, pilates, yoga — or be creative! Participants in Tread on Trafficking have done everything from pogo-stick to paddle board.

  • Personalize your page

    and set a fundraising goal. Keep it reachable - you can always increase your goal later! Add a photo to your page, tell your story about why this effort matters to you, and customize your URL.

  • Share about your goals

    to your friends and family - tell them about what you’re doing, ask if they’ll support, and send them a link to your page. Post your page on your social accounts, too!

  • Begin Treading

    either by yourself, with friends or a team. And know that with every step you’ll be helping children affected by trafficking.

take the first step:

The momentum of Tread on Trafficking

dollars has been raised through Tread on Trafficking to help children.
$ 300000 +
advocates have participated fitness goals and engaged people in their networks.
2000 +
of what is raised comes from sponsors and corporate partners.
26 %

what does the money do?

Tread on Trafficking has been running a dozen years, and in that time has raised over half a million dollars. Those funds have been a part of Love146 reaching over 65,000 children with prevention education and survivor care.

with funds raised by your efforts, you are...

Providing a child recovering from trafficking with holistic care, journeying alongside them for as long as it takes.

Meeting a young person’s practical needs of food, healthcare, and education as they heal.

Supporting a survivor to access and succeed in higher education and employment.

Helping a victim to seek justice against their traffickers.

Preventing trafficking by helping a child understand vulnerability, spot the signs of trafficking, identify healthy support systems, and learn skills they need to stay safe.

Responding to a child who may be in danger by going to meet with them, listen to them, give them resources, and help them understand if they've been victimized.

Equipping a professional with an up-to-date and research-based child trafficking prevention curriculum, bringing it to youth in schools, juvenile justice and child welfare agencies, and other community settings.