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Why Summer Support is a Game-Changer

June 10, 2022
During the summer, your support is crucial to help Love146 continue to journey with survivors of child trafficking year round. The season can be...

Do’s and Don’ts for Teaching Your Kids How To Be Safe on the Internet

June 7, 2022
The internet is a great place to connect with others, enjoy funny content, and learn new things. However, when it comes to kids, it’s important...

From a Tread on Trafficking Advocate, Zoe

June 3, 2022
Tread on Trafficking has kicked off! But it’s not too… Read more

When Should You Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline?

May 26, 2022
The National Human Trafficking Hotline (1-888-3737-888) gives free, confidential, one-on-one support. 

The world SHOULD be a safe place for children.

May 25, 2022
As a supporter of Love146, we know you care about children. You care about human beings. And this is all too much. The recent...

Don’t Let Politicians & Big Tech Manipulate Your Concern for Children

April 1, 2022
Child trafficking is real; it’s an incredibly heavy issue; and… Read more

Conducting Anti-Trafficking Work Using a Racial Equity Lens

March 31, 2022
Recently, there was a request for information made by the US State Department's Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons. The Senior Policy Operating Group...

Why Economic Empowerment Matters

March 16, 2022
Have you ever made a mistake when it comes to schooling, employment, or finances? Well, for survivors of child trafficking, a few financial misfortunes...

What is the Love146 Employment and Education Program?

March 11, 2022
This week at Love146, we’ve had a generous donor match donations to celebrate Women’s History Month. We’ve decided to have 100% of all donations...

Three Black Colleagues Shaping Our History

February 28, 2022
Happy Black History Month! This month, we want to celebrate… Read more

Creating Evidence in the Anti-Trafficking Movement: UNH begins groundbreaking evaluation of a child trafficking prevention program.

February 14, 2022
While many child trafficking prevention education curricula have been developed, to date, none of them have undergone a rigorous external outcome evaluation to show...

HBO’s “Euphoria” and Child Trafficking

February 9, 2022
Euphoria is a show that debuted in 2019 on HBO. With Zendaya in the lead role of 17-year-old Rue, the plot follows a group...

Reality vs. Hype: Is the Super Bowl a major trafficking event?

February 5, 2022
Do many fans come to the Super Bowl with a pocket full of cash to buy exploited people? And do traffickers amp up their...

Boundaries: What’s going to be your line?

January 25, 2022
Setting boundaries is a skill - and it takes practice! Learning how to set boundaries is important for a lot of things in life....

What this Week’s Snapchat Updates Mean for Human Trafficking Prevention

January 21, 2022
On January 19th, Snapchat announced new security measures to their platform in order to make it harder for adults to connect with adolescents they...

How to spot the red flags if you’re at risk of trafficking and exploitation.

January 13, 2022
What's a red flag: The term “red flag” means you see something that’s a reason to stop and consider your safety. There are red...