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Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison on 5 charges related to minor sex trafficking.

December 30, 2021
Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for being found guilty on five of six counts related to her partnership with Jeffrey...

Did you know your donations can mean more for your taxes than they used to?

December 27, 2021
For tax year 2021, according to The CARES Act extension,… Read more

Child Trafficking Facts

December 22, 2021
It's important to understand the difference between child trafficking fact versus myth. Here are ten facts about child trafficking:

What can we learn about child trafficking from the Epstein and Maxwell case?

December 15, 2021
Over the past several years, the Epstein and Maxwell case has captured the eye of world news. Our hearts ache for each person who...

5 Meaningful Gifts to Shape the Next Generation

December 1, 2021
Give a meaningful gift this holiday season. Our gift catalog… Read more

4 Meaningful Gifts to For Equity- and Justice-Minded Friends

Give a meaningful gift this holiday season. Our gift catalog… Read more

4 Meaningful Gifts for More Equitable Care

Give a meaningful gift this holiday season. Our gift catalog… Read more

10 Ways to End Child Trafficking & Exploitation

November 28, 2021
1. Add the hotline to your contacts Make sure the… Read more

3 Meaningful Gifts for Your Artistic Loved Ones

November 23, 2021
Give a meaningful gift this holiday season. Our gift catalog… Read more

Why your support matters for Isabella

November 4, 2021
Love146 met Isabella several years ago in a group of youth going through our Prevention program, Not a Number. She wasn’t engaged with the...

Kyle Beach – and our failure to see men and boys as victims, too.

October 29, 2021
Content Warning: This article contains a story of sexual assault.… Read more

Amazon shoppers have generated tens of thousands of dollars to end child trafficking. You can help.

Did you know you can support Love146 while shopping for everyday purchases, or even while buying for gifts? For Love146, Amazon shoppers using Smile...

Traffickers aren’t setting mysterious items like roses & empty car seats as “traps” to “snatch” and kidnap you.

October 19, 2021
Several videos of misinformation have gone viral, and many perpetrate the myth that traffickers have set random items as traps to target women for...

College Leaders Working to End Child Trafficking

October 4, 2021
As students go back to school, Love146 volunteer teams on college & university campuses are starting up again, too! Team leaders have started important...

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month 2021

October 1, 2021
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! This month, we want to celebrate just a few of the many Hispanic & Latinx colleagues and partners who are...

Children can still be charged with prostitution – even when they’re really victims of trafficking

September 22, 2021
30 states and DC have laws that minors cannot be arrested for solicitation or prostitution. But in other states, a child may arrested for...