

Trek Update: Greece

January 17, 2010
I am pleased to say that after our five a.m panic attack to get going today, we left Bucharest for Bulgaria and 6.5 hrs...

Trek Update: Safe Home Visit – Romania

January 14, 2010
Today we traveled from the top of Romania to the South, the capital Bucharest, ahead of our Bulgaria road race to get to Thessoliniki...

For Justice

January 12, 2010
My wife Siobhan is 50 years old this year and I am 48 years. When we tell Cambodians they think it is terribly funny.

Trek Update: Romania

January 11, 2010
Still in Turda, Romania for one more day and one more night, before heading on to Bucurest early tomorrow.   Visiting Cluj today, the biggest...

Trek Update: Prague

January 8, 2010
Staying with a lovely family tonight in Prague. They've been working on the streets with people for 18 years  – real people.

TREK UPDATE: Video Blog from Czech Republic

Two members of the Love146 European Prevention team were approached by a local pimp selling girls in a sex club and brothel.  One pimp...

TREK UPDATE: Video Blog from the Red Light Districts

99% of European trafficking victims are not rescued.

Anti-Trafficking Trek: Eastern Europe 2010

January 7, 2010
On January 4th, Gaz Kishere and Steve Leach from the European Love146 prevention team set off on a 14 country trek through some of the...

Three Come Home

December 29, 2009
Last week we were thrilled to welcome three new girls to the Round Home.


December 20, 2009
Across Cambodia on December 12th we celebrated Anti-Human Trafficking Day.

A Solution for Christmas Guilt

December 16, 2009
At Christmas we can feel so guilty about all the poverty and war and pain in the world whilst we sit and eat our...


November 30, 2009
A girl wearing the number 146 pinned to her shirt walked up to me with tears running down her face. She just simply stared...

Offended over breakfast

November 20, 2009
Are you willing to be personally offended or held suspect so that children can be protected?

Brand Loyalty or Solidarity?

November 13, 2009
This video will stand out to me as a sacred moment over the past year with Love146. It took place during the Generation Conference...

Music Video Up For Award

November 12, 2009
Love146 supporters, The Wrecking, have been nominated for a GMC Music Video Award.

Counting My Blessings

October 30, 2009
It has been a long week. I found myself overwhelmed this week a few times by the weight of the issue. Some shocking articles...