
at this very moment, it's estimated that about 4 million children are being exploited in sex trafficking and labor trafficking.

Here are Stories from survivors we've journeyed with...

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Love146 journeys alongside children impacted by trafficking today and prevents the trafficking of children tomorrow.

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10 Facts About child trafficking

  • At any given moment, an estimated 40.3 million people are being victimized in situations of trafficking and exploitation (including forced marriage) worldwide. 25% of these are children. (ILO)

  • Human trafficking is any situation of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, and/or abuse of power. (ILO) In the case of child sex trafficking, force, fraud, or coercion do not need to be present, and the crime is simply the exchange of any sex act with a child for anything of value.

  • Traffickers exploit vulnerabilities and being a child is an inherent vulnerability. Under US federal law, all children involved in commercial sex are victims of human trafficking. Sadly, only about half of US states have laws that protect sexually exploited children from being prosecuted for prostitution.

  • You’ll often hear about trafficking “hotspots.” The truth is that trafficking occurs wherever there are people. Spikes in reported trafficking may also be influenced by an increased focus in that region on research, training, or an awareness campaign promoting the national hotline.

  • Sex trafficking is not just a “women and girls issue.” About 15% of those in our US survivor care have been boys and non-binary youth.

  • Children from culturally and linguistically diverse communities are more than 2x as likely to experience sex trafficking as children who identified as white. (JAMA)

  • Traffickers can look like anyone and don’t fit one stereotype. Love146 has connected with situations of trafficking in which exploiters have been family members, peers, romantic partners, educators, employers, community leaders, and clergy.

  • Sometimes youth continue going to school, living at home, and participating in extracurricular activities – even while they are being trafficked.

  • Often, a “rescue” isn’t the only (or best) way to freedom. Training to recognize & respond appropriately to trafficking, as well as trauma-informed spaces to heal help create pathways for more victims to exit exploitation.

  • Child trafficking is not a new phenomena. Human Trafficking has been happening forever. In 2003 the United Nations introduced the Trafficking Protocol, introducing a universally agreed upon definition of trafficking in persons. (UNODC)


the end of child trafficking & exploitation. Nothing less.

children reached
by our


Responding urgently & providing long-term holistic care for children affected by trafficking.

children reached
by our


Equipping youth to understand vulnerability, spot traffickers, and seek help.

adults reached
by our


Connecting with parents, professionals, and community members to protect children.

Our Work

We reach thousands of youth with education that equips them to recognize vulnerabilities and protect themselves from exploitation.

We come alongside trafficked children, remaining a constant support and relentlessly advocating for them.

We support young people who’ve been trafficked into the United Kingdom as they recover and gain independence.

We operate two safehomes in the Philippines providing holistic care for children who’ve been trafficked.

Ending child trafficking won’t be achieved by one organization or approach.

YOU matter for children.