
Latest Updates

Child Safety in the Age of Apps

April 28, 2016
While law enforcement wrestles the tech industry over encryption and privacy rights, what's a parent to do?

The Meaning of Real Work

April 19, 2016
What does it mean to have "real" job?

“I Couldn’t Sleep After Reading Your Website”

April 12, 2016
A supporter writes: There is something really unique about the way you educate about your cause, something raw and at the same time so...

Why Prosecution Matters for the Youth We Work With

April 11, 2016
While notable progress has been made in terms of buy-in, some agency leaders and personnel continue to not see human trafficking as a concern...

My Back Pages

April 4, 2016
An inside peek behind "adult" advertising

Speechless (This Has Got to Stop, Part 2)

March 30, 2016
The story of hope from a 1-year old survivor of exploitation.


March 29, 2016
... by petitioning your state’s Attorney General

Make Connecticut a safer place for children

March 23, 2016
Our state legislature is meeting right now and considering new measures that will strengthen our ability to stop traffickers and help support victims of...

This Has Got To Stop, Part 1

March 3, 2016
We recently welcomed a 1-year old survivor of human trafficking into our care in the Philippines. Yes, a One. Year. Old.

The sounds of a dream come true

February 26, 2016
When you’re standing in the midst of a dream come true … and a 5-year old who you would think shouldn’t have a reason...

Food, Stories, Laughter and Dreams…

February 17, 2016
Sharing a meal together creates a sense of community and fellowship — and emphasizes to the young people we partner with that they are...

“But you… you cared.”

January 22, 2016
Lynne Chitty, our UK Care Director, met Quyen when she was 16. She arrived from France, where she had been trafficked and sexually exploited...

Welcome to Manchester Airport: Traffickers Not Welcome

January 21, 2016
Anti-trafficking training and awareness is starting to show results.

We got the call on a Tuesday afternoon…

January 20, 2016
A survivor learned enough of the warning signs to seek help, and a community mobilized quickly to help keep her safe.

Toward a culture of sharing

January 7, 2016
Caroling is a tradition in the Philippines, wherein children go… Read more

First Audience

December 18, 2015
At Love146, different forms of self-expression are encouraged, including music. Every little sound they make is met with lavish praise and encouragement.